Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Call of duty

I am a first aider, and help out with medical treatment in many theatre shows. It's really good fun and our services are barely ever required, so you get to see all these really cool plays for free. This year I've seen Fame, Saturday Night Fever and Mamma Mia. I love the seventies, and the cool (or crazy) dancing. Last week though, during the Phantom of the Opera, just as we were stomping our feet to the electric music and the chandelier was coming crashing down a final time, we had our first call - an elderly lady had collapsed of heat exhaustion and was lying cold on the floor. By the time we arrived she had started to regain consciousness and we didn't have too much to do other than take a quick history and examination and ensure she hadn't sustained any injuries or anything, but it was my first time being the senior care partner, and was quite nerve-wracking. Fortunately she made good recovery and was tapping her toes as we walked her to the station. Phew!

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