Sunday, December 27, 2009

Award of the Year?

In 1999, the Old Paddington Cemetery in Kiburn had the honour of being awarded the title of the UK's 'Cemetery of the Year'. On the way to Dublin today, I sat an even more unusual award. The certificate below was proudly displayed just above the 'facilities'...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


It's snowing again in London, which means...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One of 884 million

We have been without running water at home for the past week.

Last month, our builders connected our plumbing to the water supply. Unbeknownst to them or us, this needed to be performed (and not just inspected by) the water supplier. Due to the risk of contamination, our supply was therefore cut off until the (newly installed) pipes are replaced, inspected and reconnected, something that won’t be completed until tomorrow. We have (temporarily) joined the 884 million people worldwide without access to an improved water source worldwide.

Of course, this isn’t strictly true. Our neighbours have been extremely generous with their taps, and we’re certainly not going to amongst the 1.8 million people dying of waterborne diseases each year. Nonetheless, we have had to cut down on our usage dramatically, and are much more aware of potential wastage.

Despite the fact that we are all a bit aromatic, there have been other benefits too. We have reconnected with the folks next door and my biceps have become much more developed.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

(No) Hopenhagen?

From the USA Today. Wishful thinking?