On the way back home yesterday I was thinking of some of the really stupid things I've done. Not stupid as in bad life decisions or anything, but just things I've done that show how dumb I can really be. The most vivid recollection I have was when I was thirteen. I was a latchkey kid and got home from school before my parents had arrived, and for some reason had an intense craving for peas. I didn't know how to boil them though, so thought it would be quicker and easier if I just added some water to the kettle, added the frozen peas to the water, and brought the kettle to the boil. Genius, n'est pas? Well, no. I ended up having to skip dinner and spent the rest of the evening removing all the lodged peas from the kettle heating element.
What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?

Random picture of a kettle heating element
hiya mus! thanks for the email! nice to hear from you!!! i have a blog too! im kinda addicted to it! opps!
take care, wow! u seem to be doing really well! im just finishing off my masters.....aahh!
love carlypops!x
hello mus
nice blog, i have no blog, ´coz í´m too stupid to create one.
silly me
carlos andres perez
Ello ello!
Thanks for stopping by. Good to hear from you folks.
Carlypops: I'll check out your blog now.
Carlos: I just created this blog. Seems like a better way to share your life with friends rather than just random messages when I more time. Will mail you back soon though. Thanks for the great pictures - still as rugged as ever. Adios!
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